Domain name is a unique name of a web site. In order to be visible, every web site must have a domain name. Every domain name is pointed to an IP address of server where web site is hosted. Floats India Technologies provides domain registration services with all leading TLD names like, .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .tv, .name, .in,, .mobi, .asia, .me, .tel,,,, etc.
Domain name contains 3 parts:
- www. (world wide web)
- Name (you can choose it)
- TLD (example .com or .net)
Domain name contains 3 parts:
The best domain names use the name of your business or the product you want to promote. Good names are memorable, descriptive, uncomplicated and short. People are more likely to remember these addresses. Search engines will also give you better results for words included in your domain name. Domains are case insensitive, can only contain alpha-numeric characters (a, b, c, 1, 2, 3) and dashes (-) and cannot include spaces.